You have reached the Minnesota Department of Human Service’s Parental Fee Estimator. This estimator will assist you in estimating the monthly parental fee you need to pay while your child is receiving Medical Assistance-TEFRA option
home and community-based waiver services.
The calculated monthly fee is only an estimate and not a legally binding amount. Your actual fee will be determined by DHS after receiving your completed questionnaire (DHS-2981) and copy of applicable federal income tax return. The monthly fee will be recalculated each year to account for changes in your financial situation. You can pay your bill online once you've been notified of your fee. If you have any questions, or need help estimating your fee, please contact the parental fee unit at (651)431-3806 or (800) 657-3751.
Enter your information in the boxes below. You can move through the estimator by using the "tab" key or by clicking onto the next box.